Interview With Franchisee Simon Douglas

simon douglas parcel globe ltd headshot

WO: Simon, tell us about yourself?

SD: Born and raised in Sheffield, living on the South Coast outside of Brighton for many years. I am married to Louise with three children Rudy, Oscar and Ella.

All have flown the nest, and thankfully all are doing well. Most of my working life has been in transportation in a sales capacity, working for City Link for ten years, UPS and a Freight Forwarder called Eagle Global Logistics, which CEVA bought out. So, a good grounding to be a World Options Franchisee.

WO: What was it that attracted you to want to buy a World Options franchise in 2014?

SD: Having been part of a small business where we effectively had some reasonable buy rates to re-sell, partnering with UPS. It quickly became apparent that to achieve further growth, the ability to have access to multiple carriers was vital.

I explored several options, and it was clear that World Options were the smart choice, giving access to multiple couriers, the portal, and billing. Having met with World Options over several months, I was impressed by their enthusiasm, focus on growth, and how ambitious they all were, and I still see that today.

WO: What changes have you seen in both World Options and the sector in general?

SD: The first conference I attended was at the Ricoh Stadium in Coventry. It was a small affair.

Now I see how much the World Options Franchise Network has grown and developed. I am still amazed at how much change there has been in the industry. It excites me to be part of an industry that is still in its infancy. A big change is how competitive it has become; however, I suppose anyone can give it away, and I still try hard to work on the basis that business requires value for money, not just cheap.

It's been a challenging couple of years for obvious reasons, but it has also brought some benefits. For me, it seems that we have moved past the price being the only motivation. I also see that customers have become more demanding, which is another advantage for my business as I know the support from the larger integrators is not easily accessible, more like impossible!

I try to understand some of the challenges the franchisor has and, at the same time, constructively push for improvements and will continue with that, I have seen positive developments over the years and am now eager to see what benefits MBE Worldwide can bring to World Options.

WO: Parcel Globe has rapidly become one of World Options' largest franchises since its launch in 2021. How has this been achieved, and how can others replicate your success?

SD: I was part of a successful Franchise for 6 years, and in that time, I managed to grow and develop that business through strong sales staff, hard work, a good understanding of what is core business and, of course, a bit of luck.

In August 2021, I agreed on a split with my previous business partners. So, my story is slightly different. Being the sole franchisee has been the best year so far with World Options, and in that year, I have been grateful to have seen some strong growth. Nothing is perfect, and there are many frustrations, but that is business.

I always try to remain positive and enthusiastic. What still motivates me is that I am in a growth industry, and have a low-cost business model with a good margin. So, what's not to like?

Seeing profits grow is all the motivation I need. I enjoy the industry and, in general, the relationships you can build with customers. Providing a better solution than they have is always rewarding, not just financially. I was taught very early in sales — solution first, and the sale will follow.

WO: What can we expect from Parcel Globe Ltd in 2023?

SD: 2023 is about further growth; my wife is now involved in the business, so that will give me more time to sell. I remain open about employing sales staff; the right candidate then of course, yes.

Much of my business plan for 2023 involves how I market my business, both to existing customers and to new prospects. I suppose being “old school” will be a challenge and a learning curve I am looking forward to. I will remain focused on international courier shipments along with developing my freight business. For me, that is what I still see as the core and also where I can add the most value and, in turn, the best margin return.

WO: Would you like to share any advice in terms of finding leads, managing customers and staff, hitting business targets, and dealing with setbacks?

SD: I've always seen my business as a sales organisation, so no re-invention is needed. For me, I have a business and sales plan for 2023 that is ambitious, realistic and achievable. We know the more people we speak with and meet, the more business will follow.

I think the easier part is talking with a prospect, understanding a bit about their business and how World Options can potentially help. The harder part is finding the right prospects, so much of my time is spent on that. I have always worked with targets and see them as fundamental for me, I need that focus which is measured by day, week, month etc.

New business has always been key; nothing remains the same, and therefore I need to sell continually.

Personally, I know the typical customer I want, so that can make the sales process a little easier. That has been an important part for me, so I am not wasting time on pipe dreams and can deal more with pipeline.

WO: What is your favourite holiday?

SD: The most beautiful place I have been fortunate to spend some time in is Trout Hall, Jamaica. Up in the hills, with breathtaking scenery and beauty, just so peaceful. I’ve always loved the Languedoc region of France, where we would holiday when my children were young, so there are some special memories. Glorious weather in the Mediterranean and good wine too!

WO: What are your hobbies?

SD: I play golf most weekends, and I really enjoy it. It’s such a difficult game to play well, which I cannot play well, but it’s good exercise and fun with friends. My wife and I enjoy weekends away when we can and spend time socialising with friends.

WO: Who is the most influential person in your life, and why?

SD: I know this is cliché, but it's my dad. He’s 92 years old, and thankfully he is fighting fit. He still has a twinkle in his eye. He loves to talk and talk, but I can spend hours listening about him growing up in Jamaica, a different time and different world which is handy because he can talk for hours.

Not only that, but he is of the Windrush Generation, who came to the UK with nothing. He has an unbelievable sense of what is right and is a very wise old owl.


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