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Productivity is the key source of people, businesses and courier franchises There are simple tricks to make your courier delivery franchise business as productive as possible.

How To Establish A Routine 

Establishing a routine is one of the most effective ways to eliminate the empty time between tasks where you figure out what you should do next. It allows you to concentrate fully on your work. Starting a new routine is challenging initially, but with determination and a plan, you can create a successful routine.  

Motivated Franchise owner chatting

Keep Your Motivation Levels Up

Creating goals and keeping track of your process is a great way to motivate yourself and stick with your routine continuously. When breaking the goal into smaller tasks, you have more control over your progress and can celebrate small achievements along the way instead of getting discouraged and quitting the routine.

Productive Franchisees answering queries

Productivity and Consistency

The rule of thumb is that after sticking to your routine for three weeks, you’ve made it a habit. Your bodily clock will be timed to follow the routine automatically. Don’t get discouraged if you slip up from your routine from time to time. The solution for slipping up is to take a step back, look at where you went wrong, and return to establishing your routine.

two franchisees exchanging ideas about how they can improve their franchise

How To Minimise Distractions 

One of the biggest distractions of the modern world is your phone and social media, but emails can also distract you from completing tasks. For instance, responding to queries as soon as possible is crucial in the courier logistics industry.

Still, whenever you answer an email, you lose your workflow and have to read yourself back into your task afterwards. Monotasking is the ability to focus on one task at a time and was proven to increase happiness, and mindfulness and decrease stress levels.  

Other than online distractions, other people around you can also keep you from your work. When you don’t want to be disturbed while working on an especially mind-boggling task, consider working from home or in a conference room.

Having a simple sign on your chair or even a traffic light system at your desk additionally helps inform your co-workers that you aren’t available for them at the moment.  

Optimising Your Time At Work

When building a routine, consider building it to optimise and order your tasks effectively instead of just making a to-do list. The first step is to figure out how you spend your time.  

  • How much can you usually accomplish in a day?  

  • When are you the most productive?  

  • What tasks take the most effort?  

  • At what time of the day are you being disturbed the most?  

All this information helps determine how to organize your time most effectively. Automations can additionally help streamline repetitive processes and speed up your workflow.  

two franchsie owners communicating about their most unliked tasks

Start Your Workday By Completing Unpleasant Tasks First

When building your schedule, consider starting your day by completing unpleasant tasks first. The longer the day goes on, the more other jobs you can find to do just to avoid this one task you really can’t be bothered with. The longer you leave it, the harder it will be to motivate yourself to get it done. The longer you leave the task, the more frustration you will build up over time, thinking about how you still have to do this.  

Franchisee taking a break and picking up a new hobby

Taking Breaks and Taking Care Of Yourself 

Believe it or not, taking breaks can be the most productive thing you can do. When you find yourself staring at the laptop and being stuck on a task, a bit of distraction can help you clear your head, seeing the job from a different perspective and packing it with newfound motivation.  

Numerous studies suggest different amounts and lengths of breaks, but the best advice is to listen to your body. When your brain feels exhausted, take a break.  

Franchisees supporting each other by showing different ways on how to use the World Options portal


There are plenty of methods to improve your productivity. Just ensure you simultaneously take care of yourself and listen to your body. Sometimes doing nothing at all is the most productive thing.  

While multitasking is an often practiced and highly used method — studies have found monotasking to be the better option for getting tasks done promptly.

Instead of managing four tasks at once for three hours, you control one task at a time for twenty minutes each. Limiting distractions and implementing a routine helps additionally to get the workflow going.   

Further Reading

Listed below are four guides around important aspects of franchisee skills:

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Information on the skills needed to run a courier delivery franchise effectively.


Information on the training you will receive throughout your franchise jorney

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The importance of industry knowledge for courier franchise owners.


How to be and stay productive when running a courier franchise.

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